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Livello del fiume Bacchiglione
e previsioni meteo di Vicenza

Cappe sante in forno - baked pilgrim scallops

Cappe sante in forno

Lavare accuratamente le cappe, metterle senza acqua in una pentola perchè si aprano.
Eliminare una valva, disporre le cappe in una teglia e condirle con 1 una salsa fatta emulsionando in una terrina 1 noce di burro liquefatto, olio, abbondante prezzemolo e poco aglio tritati, sale e pepe.
Mettere in forno a calore moderato sino a quando si formi una crosticina dorata,

Baked pilgrim scallops

Wash the pilgrim scallop carefully, place them in a pan without water, so as to let them open. Rernove one of the valves from each shell, then arrange the molluscs in a baking-pan and season them with the following sauce. Blend together in a bowl a knob of melted butter, oil, abundant parsley and a bit of garlic, both chopped, salt and, pepper.
Bake in a medium hot oven until they get colour.


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