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Seppie secche - dried cuttlefish

Seppie secche

Un tempo, quando i frigoriferi non erano stati inventati, per conservare le seppie si facevano seccare. Mondate come al solito, lavate e sventrate, tenute aperte da 2 pezzetti di canna, venivano appese al sole e lasciate seccare. Una volta seccate si potevano conservare anche per un anno intero, purchè tenute in un ambiente asciutto. Al momento di usarle si tenevano a mollo nell'acqua per una notte intera e così venivano idratate. Sistema questo adottato, con qualche variante, dagli americani per disidratare ed idratare i cibi per gli astronauti. Comunque le seppie, fatte rinvenire si possono cucinare in qualsiasi

Dried cuttlefish

Formerly, when refrigerators didn't existi, cuttlefishes were dried so as to conserve them. Cleaned as usual, washed and emptied, the cuttlefishes were kept open using 2 pieces of cane, hung up on the sun and left to dry. Then, kept in a dry place, they could be conserved even for 1 year. Before cooking them it was necessary to let them soak overnight.
A similar to this method was followed by the Aniericans in order to dry and hydrate astronauts'food (with some variants). However you can the cook the dried cuttlefishes (previously left to soak) according to your taste.


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